Profile Toolbar

The different capabilities for sketching simple or complex profiles are available from the Profile toolbar and its sub-toolbars.

When using some of theses capabilities, other toolbars then display additional options. This is what is listed in the last category "extended toolbars".

Profile Toolbar

You can sketch the profile using the commands from the Profile toolbar.


See Creating Profiles

Clicking this icon displays additional icons in the Sketch Tools toolbar. For information, see Extended Toolbar (Extended Toolbar 1).

See Pre-defined Profile Sub-Toolbar below

See See Circle Sub-Toolbar below

See See Spline Sub-Toolbar below

See See Conic Sub-Toolbar below

See See Line Sub-Toolbar below


See Creating Axes

See Point Sub-Toolbar below

Pre-defined Profile Sub-Toolbar


See Creating Rectangles

Oriented Rectangles

See Creating Oriented Rectangles


See Creating Parallelograms

Elongated Hole

See Creating Elongated Holes

Cylindrical Elongated Hole

See Creating Cylindrical Elongated Holes

Keyhole Profile

See Creating Keyhole Profiles


See Creating Hexagons

Centered Rectangle

See Creating Centered Rectangles

Centered Parallelogram

See Creating Centered Parallelograms

Circle Sub-Toolbar


See Creating Circles

Three Point Circle

See Creating Three Point Circles

Circle Using Coordinates

See Creating Circles Using Coordinates

Tri-tangent Circle

See Creating Tri-Tangent Circles

Three Point Arc

See Creating Three Point Arcs

Three Point Arc Starting with Limits

See Creating Three Point Arcs Starting with Limits


See Creating Arcs

Spline Sub-Toolbar


See Creating Splines


See Connecting Curves with a Spline and Connecting Curves with an Arc

Clicking this icon displays additional icons in the Sketch Tools toolbar. For information, see Extended Toolbar (Extended Toolbar 4).

Conic Sub-Toolbar


See Creating Ellipses

Parabola by Focus

See Creating Parabolas by Focus


See Creating Hyperbolas by Focus

Import Table

See Creating Conic Curves

Line Sub-Toolbar


See Creating Lines

Clicking this icon displays one additional icon in the Sketch Tools toolbar. For information, see Extended Toolbar (Extended Toolbar 2).

Infinite Line

See Creating Infinite Lines

Clicking this icon displays additional icons in the Sketch Tools toolbar. For information, see Extended Toolbar (Extended Toolbar 3).

Bi-tangent Line

See Creating Bisecting Lines

Bisecting Line

See Creating Bisecting Lines

Line Normal to Curve

See Creating Lines Normal to a Curve

Clicking this icon displays Select a Curve Before in the Sketch Tools toolbar. For more information, see See Creating Lines Normal to a Curve.

Point Sub-Toolbar

Point by Clicking

See Creating Points

Point by Using Coordinates

See Creating Points Using Coordinates

Equidistant Points

See Creating Equidistant Points

Intersection Point

See Creating Points Using Intersection

Projection Point

See Creating Points Using Projection

Clicking this icon displays additional icons in the Sketch Tools toolbar. For information, see Extended Toolbar (Extended Toolbar 5).

Extended Toolbars

The Sketch Tools toolbar displays additional icons if you select a certain number of capabilities available from the Profile Toolbar.

Extended Toolbar 1


See Creating Profiles

Tangent Arc

See Creating Profiles

Three Point Arc

See Creating Profiles

Extended Toolbar 2

Extended Toolbar 3

Horizontal Line

See Creating Infinite Lines

Vertical Line

See Creating Infinite Lines

Infinite Line

See Creating Infinite Lines

Extended Toolbar 4

Connect with an Arc

See Connecting Curves with an Arc

Connect with a Spline

See Connecting Curves with a Spline

Continuity in point

See Connecting Curves with a Spline

Continuity in tangency

See Connecting Curves with a Spline

Continuity in curvature

See Connecting Curves with a Spline

Extended Toolbar 5

Orthogonal Projection

See Creating Points Using Projection

Projection Along a Direction

See Creating Points Using Projection