Creating Rectangles

You can create a rectangle either by clicking or using the Sketch tools toolbar options.

This task shows you how to create a rectangle.

Before you begin:

Ensure that Geometric Constraints and Dimensional Constraints are activated in the Sketch tools toolbar.

Related Topics
Creating Oriented Rectangles
  1. Click Rectangle in the Profile toolbar (Predefined Profile sub-toolbar).

  2. Click anywhere in the geometry area to locate the rectangle first point, or if you know where this point must be located, use the Sketch tools toolbar which now displays value fields for defining the point coordinates. These value fields are:

    • H: horizontal

    • V: vertical

  3. For the purposes of our scenario, in the Sketch tools toolbar enter the bottom-left point coordinates: H=20mm, V=20mm.

  4. The Sketch Tools toolbar now displays two additional value fields which are:

    • Width

    • Height

    Position the top-right corner from the first point entering these values: Width=40mm, Height=25mm. The rectangle is created.

    Tip: Constraints are assigned to this rectangle on the condition that:
    • You activated Dimensional Constraints in the Sketch tools toolbar before starting the scenario.
    • You entered coordinate values in the fields (you did not create the rectangle just by clicking)

    Note: In this task, we used the Sketch tools toolbar but you can create this rectangle manually. To do this, move the cursor to activate SmartPick and click as soon as you get what you wish.