Connecting Curves with a Spline

A connecting curve is associative, and it can be continuous in point, in curvature or in tangency with its support curves. You can define the tension value and the direction of the continuity at each connecting point, as well as add constraints to the connecting curve. Moving a connecting curve changes the shape of the support curves accordingly.

This task shows you how to connect two elements of the curve type, using a connecting curve (a spline) that goes through their end points.

Before you begin:

Sketch two splines as shown below.

Related Topics
Connecting Curves with an Arc
More about Connecting Curves with a Spline
  1. Click Connect in the Profile toolbar (Spline sub-toolbar).

    The Sketch tools toolbar now displays connection and continuity options for defining the connection.

  2. Keep Continuity in tangency (default option) as the connection type you want to perform.

  3. Select both splines you want to connect to each other.

    Locations where you click to select the first and the second element are important: the closest point to where you click will be automatically used as the starting point and the end point of the connecting curve. Always click close to the point you want to connect, or click the point itself. A connecting spline appears: it is continuous in curvature to both selected elements. Both splines are connected.

  4. Right-click on the connecting curve then go to xxx.object and then isolate to trim it, being split or broken.