Creating Circles Using Coordinates

To create a circle by specifying it's coordinates use the Circle Using Coordinates command.

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Creating Circles
Creating Three Point Circles
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  1. Click Circle Using Coordinates in the Profile toolbar (Circle sub-toolbar).

    The Circle Definition dialog box appears. The default point coordinates that appear in the Circle Definition dialog box are the origin axis coordinates. The default circle radius is 10mm.

    If, before clicking Circle Using Coordinates , you select an existing point, this point will be used as a reference point and the coordinates of the center point will be set from this point.

  2. Type in the Circle Definition dialog box for the circle center point: H=25mm, V=30mm and Radius=14mm

  3. Click OK. The circle and its center point are created.

    This task shows how to create a circle using center point coordinates. In this particular case, we will use Cartesian coordinates. However you can also use polar coordinates.

    Important: By default, circle centers appear on the sketch. In case you create circles by clicking, if you do not need them you can specify this in the Options dialog box. To do this, select Tools > Options > Mechanical Design > Sketcher option (Sketcher tab).