Activities Process Tree Contextual Menus

The Activities Process Tree has specific contextual commands.


You can access contextual menus at different level of Activites.

On the Part Operation


See Replaying the Tool Path.

Simulate Machine using NC Code

See NC Machine Tool Simulation User's Guide: Simulating While Using NC Code.

Simulate Machine using Tool Path

See NC Machine Tool Simulation User's Guide: Simulating the Tool Paths.

Compute Stock Using Part Sequencing

See Creating a Sequential Part Transfer Activity.

Get planning data

See Getting Planning Data

On the Manufacturing Program


See Replaying the Tool Path.

Simulate Machine using NC Code

See NC Machine Tool Simulation User's Guide: Simulating While Using NC Code.

Replay Tool Path

See Replaying the Tool Path.

Start video simulation using Tool Path

See Simulating Material Removal in Video Mode.

Simulate Machine using Tool Path

See NC Machine Tool Simulation User's Guide.

Compute Tool Path

Either computes the tool path if not already done or forces computation even when the tool path exists.

Remove Tool Path

Removes an existing tool path.

Lock Children

See About Lock/Unlock Mechanisms.

Unlock Children

See About Lock/Unlock Mechanisms.

Lock Tool Path

See Editing Tool Paths.

Unlock Tool Path

See Editing Tool Paths.

Remove Video Result

Simulating Material Removal in Video Mode.

Generate NC Code Interactively

See Generating NC Code.

Display NC Program

See Generating NC Code.

Create NC Files Container

See Managing NC Files Containers.

Generate Tool Changes

See Inserting Tool Changes.

Delete Generated Tool Changes

See Inserting Tool Changes.

Generate Machine Rotations

See Inserting Machine Rotations.

Delete Generated Machine Rotations

See Inserting Machine Rotations.

Import APT, Clfile or NC code

See Importing NC Data.

Merge PP Instructions

See Editing PP Words.

Delete unused indices

Deletes indices not used by a Copy operator.

On the Tool Change


See Replaying the Tool Path.

Assign a Feature

Assigns a feature to the selected operation.

Assign Tool from file

See Specifying a Tool Element in a Machining Operation.

Assign Tool from database

See Specifying a Tool Element in a Machining Operation.

Replay Tool Path

See Replaying the Tool Path.

Compute Tool Path

Either computes the tool path if not already done or forces computation even when the tool path exists.

Remove Tool Path

Removes an existing tool path.

Remove Video Result

See Simulating Material Removal in Video Mode

Start video simulation

See Simulating Material Removal in Video Mode

Create video result in 3D Part

See Managing Video Results

Import APT, Clfile or NC code

See Importing NC Data

On the Machining Operation


See Replaying the Tool Path.

Assign a Feature

Assigns a feature to the selected operation.

Assign Tool from file

See Specifying a Tool Element in a Machining Operation.

Assign Tool from database

See Specifying a Tool Element in a Machining Operation.

Replay Tool Path

See Replaying the Tool Path.


See About Lock/Unlock Mechanisms

Lock Tool Path

See About Lock/Unlock Mechanisms.

Note: Lock and Lock Tool Path changes to Unlock and Unlock Tool Path. Those 4 commands are available only if the machining operation is computed.

Compute Tool Path

Either computes the tool path if not already done or forces computation even when the tool path exists.

Remove Tool Path

Removes an existing tool path.

Remove Video Result

See Simulating Material Removal in Video Mode

Start video simulation

See Simulating Material Removal in Video Mode

Create video result in 3D Part

See Managing Video Results

Import APT, Clfile or NC code

See Importing NC Data


You can access a contextual menu from the Computed column


See Editing Tool Paths

Split on Collision Points

See Splitting on Collision Points

Check Tool Length

See Checking the Tool Length for Collisions

Geometry Creation

See Creating Geometries

Lock Tool Path

See Editing Tool Paths

Unlock Tool Path

See Editing Tool Paths