Managing NC Files Containers

You can create empty NC Files Containers, and use existing NC Files Containers to export and import NC Files.

This task shows you how to:

Related Topics
Generating NC Code

Create Empty NC Files Containers

You can create an empty NC Files Container which is automatically linked to the Manufacturing Program.

  • Right-click a Manufacturing Program and select Create NC Files Container in the contextual menu.

    An empty NC Files Container named NC_Files_Container_x is created under the Machining Cell and is linked to the Manufacturing Program.

    Note: Only one NC Files Container can be linked to a Manufacturing Program at a given time. Do not create empty NC Files Containers in addition to an existing one, especially if a NC Files Container named _Manufacturing_Program_x has already been created under the Machining Cell to generate NC Code files. See Generating NC Code.

Remove Unlinked NC Files Containers

You can remove unlinked NC Files Containers.

  • Right-click the Machining Cell and select NC Files Containers > Remove Unlinked NC Files Containers in the contextual menu.

    NC Files Containers found under the Machining Cell and not linked to any Manufacturing Program are deleted.

Import Files into NC Files Containers

You can import files from a file-based system into a NC Files Container and subsequently save them into the data base.

  1. Right-click the NC Files Container under the Machining Cell and select NC Files Containers > Import to NC Files Container

  2. In the NC Files Container Import dialog box that appears, select the files to import and click Open.

    The files are imported into the NC Files Container.

  3. Right-click the NC Files Container and select NC Files Containers > View NC Program

    The files contained in the NC Files Container are listed, enabling you to check your import.

Export to a File-Based System from the Authoring Window

In addition to the default behavior (propagation to the data base), you can export files contained in a NC Files Container to a file-based system, from the authoring window.

  1. Right-click the NC Files Container under the 3 and select NC Files Containers > Export from NC Files Container

    The Export NC Files Container dialog box is displayed.

  2. Click ... to enter the path of the storage location of the files to export.

    The files contained in the NC Files Container are copied to the storage location, under the same name.

Export to a File-Based System from the Search Results Window

In addition to the default behavior (propagation to the data base), you can export files contained in a NC Files Container to a file-based system, from a Search Results window.

  1. In the Search box of the Bar, enter a string to search the NC Files Container.

  2. In the Search Results window, right-click the NC Files Container and select Download in the contextual menu.

    The Export NC Files Container dialog box is displayed.

  3. Click ... to enter the path of the storage location of the files to export.

    The files contained in the NC Files Container are copied to the storage location, under the same name.