Authorized Supports

When you create preprocessing specifications (loads, restraints, masses), you have to select a support.

Related Topics
Creating Excitations

About Supports

Preprocessing specifications (loads, restraints, masses) can be applied to different types of supports (or features):

  • Geometrical support: point, vertex, curve, edge, face, surface, volume...
  • Mechanical support: pad, fill...
  • Analysis support: virtual part, mesh, group, restraint...

When you select a mechanical feature (pad, fill...), the analysis specification is actually applied on the resulting associated geometry. If this geometry is not an authorized geometrical supports (see tables below), you will not be able to select the mechanical feature. For example, selecting a fillet for a Line Force Density is not allowed because the resulting geometries of a fillet are surfaces while the authorized geometrical entities for Line Force Density are line or edges.

In the following tables, Authorized indicates that the type of feature is authorized. If the only authorized Geometric Feature is Face, all the faces of pad, or all the faces of a hole, ... as Mechanical Feature are available (if they are authorized). For example, a pressure applied on a pad means that this pressure is applied to the faces of the pad. The same rule is applied to groups as analysis support: if the geometric support is a face and geometric group is supported, then only group of faces can be selected.

To apply a restraint, a load or a connection to one extremity of a beam, you need to first put the point that were possibly created at the extremity of this beam, in order to build the wireframe, into the Hide mode. As result, to apply the above mentioned specifications, you will select the extremity of the wireframe and not the hidden point (small cross in the 3D view) as this point is not linked to the mesh.

On which supports can loads be applied?

The following table lists the supports on which you can apply load specifications.
Commands Geometric Support Mechanical Support Analysis Support
Pressure Face Authorized Spatial group

Geometric group

Group by Neighborhood

Group by Boundary

Enforced Displacement - - Restraint
Force Edge



(homogeneous selection)

Authorized Spatial group

Geometric group

Group by Neighborhood

Group by Boundary

Moment Point/Vertex



(homogeneous selection)

Authorized Spatial group

Geometric group

Group by Neighborhood

Group by Boundary

Virtual part

Distributed Force Point/Vertex



(homogeneous selection)

Authorized Spatial group

Geometric group

Group by Neighborhood

Group by Boundary

Virtual part

Bearing Load Cylindrical surface


Revolution surface

- -
Acceleration Body (1D, 2D, 3D) - Spatial group

Geometric group


Virtual part*

Rotation Body (1D, 2D, 3D) - Spatial group

Geometric group


Virtual part

Line Force Density Edge Authorized Spatial group

Geometric group

Group by Neighborhood

Group by Boundary

Surface Force Density Face Authorized Spatial group

Geometric group

Group by Neighborhood

Group by Boundary

Volume Force Density 3D Body - Spatial group

Geometric group


Temperature Field Body - Spatial group

Geometric group


* To simulate the application of a weight on a virtual part, you must apply a mass and then an acceleration on this virtual part.

On which supports can restraints be applied?

The following table lists the supports on which you can apply restraint specifications.
Commands Geometric Support Mechanical Support
Clamp Point/Vertex



Surface Slider Face Authorized
User-defined Restraint Point/Vertex




On which supports can masses be applied?

The following table lists the supports on which you can apply mass specifications.
Commands Geometric Support Mechanical Support Analysis Support
Masses Point/Vertex



Authorized Spatial group

Geometric group

Group by Neighborhood

Group by Boundary Mesh

Virtual part*

Line Mass Density Edge Authorized Spatial group

Geometric group

Group by Neighborhood

Group by Boundary Mesh

Surface Mess Density Face Authorized Spatial group

Geometric group

Group by Neighborhood

Group by Boundary Mesh

Distributed Mass and Inertia Point/Vertex




- Spatial group

Geometric group

Group by Neighborhood

Group by Boundary Mesh

Virtual part

* To simulate a weight on a virtual part, you must couple a mass and an acceleration.