Creating Surface Force Densities

You can create a surface force density applied to a surface geometry. Surface force densities are intensive loads representing surface traction fields of uniform magnitude applied to surface geometries.

Units are surface traction units (typically N/m2 in SI).

Before you begin: A structural analysis simulation containing a load set must be open.
Related Topics
Working with Excitations
Authorized Supports
Modifying the Axis System
Using Data Mapping
More About Data Mapping
Reviewing Specifications
  1. In the Loads toolbar, click Surface Force Density .

    The Surface Force Density dialog box appears.

  2. Optional: In the Name box, modify the name of the load.

  3. Select the geometry support (a face) on which the surface traction is to be applied.

    See Authorized Supports.

  4. Optional: Choose the axis system in which the vector components will be interpreted. By default, the vector components are interpreted in the global axis system.

  5. Enter values for the X, Y, and Z components of the resultant force vector.

  6. Optional: If you want to import pre-defined data, select the Data mapping check box.

    To learn more about the data mapping option, see Using Data Mapping.

    Important: The availability of this option depends on your available licenses. See Licensing.

  7. Click OK.