Creating Masses

You can create a mass applied to a virtual part or to a geometry selection. Masses are used to model purely inertial (non-structural) system characteristics such as additional equipment. They represent scalar point mass fields equivalent to a total mass concentrated at a given point, distributed on a virtual part or on a geometric selection.

Units are mass units (typically kg in SI).

Before you begin: A structural analysis simulation containing a mass set must be open.
Related Topics
Working with Excitations
Authorized Supports
Reviewing Specifications
  1. In the Masses toolbar, click Mass .

    The Mass dialog box appears.

  2. Optional: In the Name box, modify the name of the mass.

  3. Select the support (a vertex, an edge, a face or a virtual part) on which the concentrated mass is applied at the pre-defined point.

    Any selectable geometry is highlighted when you pass the cursor over it. See Authorized Supports.

    The distribution behavior depends on the selected support:

    • For punctual geometries or spatial groups the mass is equally distributed on each node of the selection.
    • For 1D geometries/groups the mass is translated into the equivalent line mass density.
    • For 2D geometries/groups the mass is translated into the equivalent surface mass density.
    • For virtual parts the total mass is concentrated at the handler of the virtual part.

    • Multi-selection of geometries and groups is available and must be homogeneous.
    • Multi-selection of virtual parts is not available. Moreover, you cannot select a virtual part and a geometry (or a group).

  4. In the Mass box, enter the value of the total mass magnitude.

    This value remains constant whatever the geometry selection.

  5. Click OK.