Creating Enforced Displacements

You can create an enforced displacement on a restrained geometry. Enforced displacements are loads applied to geometric supports, resulting for the subsequent analysis in assigning non-zero values to displacements in previously restrained directions.

Before you begin: A simulation containing a load set and a restraint specification must be open.
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  1. In the Loads toolbar, click Enforced Displacement .

    The Enforced Displacement dialog box appears.

  2. Optional: In the Name box, modify the name of the load.

  3. Select the appropriate restraint in the specification tree.

  4. Enter values for the imposed displacement values corresponding to the restrained degree of freedom of the selected restraint.

    The values of the imposed displacements are displayed on the corresponding Restraint symbol. Make sure you entered non-zero values only for those degrees of freedom which have been fixed by the associated restraint object. Non-zero values for any other degree of freedom are ignored by the solver.

  5. Click OK.

    An enforced displacement load appears in the specification tree under the active load set.