Creating Rotation Forces

You can create a rotation force applied to a part. Rotation forces are intensive loads representing mass body force (acceleration) fields induced by rotational motion applied to parts. You have to specify a rotation axis and values for the angular velocity and angular acceleration magnitudes, and the program automatically evaluates the linearly varying acceleration field distribution.

Units are angular velocity and angular acceleration units (typically rad/s and rad/s2 in SI).

Before you begin: A structural analysis simulation containing a load set must be open.
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Authorized Supports
Reviewing Specifications
  1. In the Loads toolbar, click Rotation Force .

    The Rotation Force appears.

  2. Optional: In the Name box, modify the name of the load.

  3. Select the geometry support (a part) on which the mass body force is to be applied.

    See Authorized Supports. Any selectable geometry is highlighted when you pass the cursor over it. You can select several supports in sequence, to apply the rotation force to all supports simultaneously.

  4. Select an existing line or a construction axis to specify the Rotation Axis.

    Any selectable geometry is highlighted when you pass the cursor over it.

    To select a User-defined Axis system, you must activate an existing Axis by clicking it in the features tree. Its name will then be automatically displayed in the Axis Name box.

    Symbols representing the Rotation Force are displayed on the support geometry to visualize the acceleration field.

  5. In the Angular velocity box, enter a value for the magnitude of the angular velocity about the rotation axis.

  6. In the Angular acceleration box, enter a value for the magnitude of the angular acceleration about the rotation axis.

  7. Click OK.