Creating Accelerations

You can create an acceleration applied to a part. Accelerations are intensive loads representing mass body force (acceleration) fields of uniform magnitude applied to parts.

Units are mass body force (or acceleration) units (typically N/kg, or m/s2 in SI).

Before you begin: A structural analysis simulation containing a load set must be open.
Related Topics
Working with Excitations
Authorized Supports
Modifying the Axis System
Reviewing Specifications
  1. In the Loads toolbar, click Acceleration .

    The Acceleration dialog box appears.

  2. Optional: In the Name box, modify the name of the load.

  3. Select the geometry support (a part) on which the mass body force is to be applied.

    See Authorized Supports.

    Tip: To simulate the application of a weight on a virtual part, you must apply a mass and then an acceleration on this virtual part.

  4. Optional: Choose the axis system in which the vector components will be interpreted. By default, the vector components are interpreted in the global axis system.

  5. Enter values for the X, Y and Z components of the mass body force field.

    The corresponding Norm value is automatically computed and displayed. You need to specify three components for the direction of the field, along with a magnitude information. Upon modification of any of these four values, the mass body force vector components and magnitude are updated based on the last data entry.

  6. Click OK.