NC Manufacturing Verification - Replay Tool Path

NC Manufacturing Verification is accessible as the Tool Path Replay dialog box that appears when you select Tool Path Replay.

This dialog box contains controls for:

Related Topics
Using NC Manufacturing Verification

Tool Animation

See Replaying the Tool Path.

Control buttons
Control the tool path replay. They are associated to keyboards shortcuts:
  • or F5: positions the tool at the Machining Operation start point.
  • or F6: runs the replay backward.
  • or F4: pauses the replay.
  • or F7: runs the replay forward.
  • or F8: goes to the Machining Operation end point.
Controls the replay speed.
  • In the first half of the slider, speed goes from one point to 10 points
  • In the second half of the slider, speed goes from 10 points to N/10 (where N is the total number of points).

Replay Positions

See Replaying the Tool Path.

Start, Current, End
Define the tool path positions for partial tool path replays.

Replay Modes

See Replaying the Tool Path.

  • : displays the tool path continuously
  • : displays the tool path plane by plane.
  • : displays the tool path feedrate by feedrate.
  • : displays the tool path point by point.
  • : stops the tool path replay each time a PP instruction is met.
  • : sections the tool path at each level.

Tool Visualization Modes

See Replaying the Tool Path.

  • : displays the tool last position only.
  • : displays the tool axis at each position.
  • : displays the tool at each position.
  • : displays the machined surface in sectioning replay mode.
  • : displays the machined surface and the tool axes in sectioning replay mode.

Color Modes

See Replaying the Tool Path.

  • : displays the tool path in a single color.
  • : displays the tool path in several colors, depending on the feedrates.
    • Yellow: Approach or lead-in feedrate
    • Green: Machining feedrate
    • Blue: Retract or lift-off feedrate
    • Red: Rapid feedrate
    • Cyan: Finishing feedrate
    • Magenta: Plunge feedrate
    • Cyan: Chamfering feedrate
    • Magenta: Air cutting feedrate
    • White: Local feedrate

Point Display Modes

See Replaying the Tool Path.

  • : displays the trajectory of either the tool tip or the tool center point.
  • Available for Surface Machining Operations only.
  • : displays the trajectory of the contact point.
  • : displays the trajectory of the contact point (if stored). Otherwise displays the trajectory of either the tool tip or the tool center point.
  • : displays the trajectories of the tool tip or the tool center point and or the contact point (if stored).

TRACUT Display Modes

See Replaying the Tool Path.

  • : takes the TRACUT Operator Instructions into account.
  • : does not take the TRACUT Operator Instructions into account.

Holder Visibility Options

See Replaying the Tool Path.

  • : displays the tool holder during the replay.
  • : hides the tool holder during the replay.

Video and Photo Modes

See Simulating Material Removal in Photo Mode and Simulating Material Removal in Video Mode.

  • : Photo: performs a photo simulation.
  • : Full Video: performs a video simulation for the complete Manufacturing Program or Part Operation
  • Video from Last Saved Result: performs a video simulation from the saved result of the previous video simulation.
  • Mixed Photo/Video: performs a photo simulation up to the Machining Operation just before the selected one, then performs a video simulation on the selected Machining Operation.
  • Video from Last Intermediate Stock: performs a video simulation starting from the input intermediate stock of the Machining Operation.



: associates a video result to a Machining Operation. See Managing Video Results.

: creates a collision reports. See Detecting Collisions in Video Simulations.

: sets the video options. See Detecting Collisions in Video Simulations.

: available when the inverse kinematics of the machine is valid. See NC Machine Tool Builder User's Guide: About the Jog Dialog - Cartesian Tab.