Detecting Collisions in Video Simulations

You can use NC Manufacturing Verification to detect collisions.

Running Full Video generates a list of collisions that occurred during material removal simulation. You can select collisions from a list and see the exact point of collision.

After you have exited the video window, you can use this information regarding the collision to correct the tool path.

Customizing options are available. See Photo/Video and Simulation.

Related Topics
About NC Manufacturing Verification
Replaying the Tool Path
NC Manufacturing Verification - Replay Tool Path
  1. Select a Machining Operation in the Manufacturing Program, then select Tool Path Replay . See Replaying the Tool Path and Simulating Material Removal in Video Mode for general information.

  2. Click Video Options .

    You could have gone to the Tools > Options > Machining > Photo/Video tab before starting the Tool Path Replay.

    The video options are displayed in their own dialog box.

    Note: This dialog box overrides the Video options found in Tools > Options > Machining > Photo/Video.

  3. To detect collisions:

    1. Set the Collisions detection option to Continue
    2. Make sure the Touch is Collision check box is selected.

  4. Click Video Collision Report .

    The Collision Report dialog box is generated and displayed. The Fault selection list contains the collisions.

  5. Still in the Collision Report dialog box, click More>> to see more detailed information and Display options.

    1. In Fault Filter, select a Type from the list.

      • All (all the collisions)
      • Fixture
      • Stock
      • Holder
      • Tool
      • Shank

    2. Optional: Select the Tool sweep display check box.

      The choice of the Sweep color and of the Sweep transparency become available.

    3. Optional: Select the Collision point display check box.
    4. Select a Tool display position: Start Position, End or Invisible.

  6. Select a collision in the list.

    • The tool reported in the selected collision is shown with the tool sweep.
    • The point of collision is marked in red.

    • You can now cross-reference the collision information.