Using Video Measure Analysis

You can perform a measure analysis in NC Manufacturing Verification without going to the measure window. With this functionality, you can make the following types of measurements:

  • distance and angle between planar surfaces and edges.
  • distance and angle between center lines of circular entities.
  • distance and angle between circular entities and planes or edges.
  • distances between points and other supported entities.

Customizing options are available. See Photo/Video and Simulation.

Related Topics
About NC Manufacturing Verification
Replaying the Tool Path
NC Manufacturing Verification - Replay Tool Path
  1. Go to the Tools > Options > Machining > Photo/Video tab and set the Collision Detection option to Continue.

  2. Select a Machining Operation in the Manufacturing Program, then select Tool Path Replay . See Replaying the Tool Path and Simulating Material Removal in Video Mode for general information.

  3. In the Tool Path Replay dialog box, perform a video replay, then click Video Measure

    The Video Measure dialog box appears.

  4. Select a mode in both Selection 1 Mode and Selection 2 Mode lists.

    The modes available are:

    • Arc
    • Plane
    • Edge
    • Point

    These options can be selected in any combination. Below are some of the possible selection combinations:

    Option Combination Effect
    Arc/Arc Measures the distance between two arc center axes.
    Plane/Plane Measures the distance and angle between two planes.
    Arc/Plane or Plane/Arc Measures the distance between an arc center axis and a plane or vice versa.
    Edge/Edge Measures the distance and angle between two parallel edges. If they are not parallel, only the angle between them is measured.
    Point/Point Measures the distance between two points. The coordinates of both points are also displayed.
    Edge/Arc Measures the distance and angle between an edge and an arc center axis if the edge is parallel to the arc center axis. If they are not parallel, only the angle between them is measured.
    Edge/Plane Measures the distance and angle between an edge and a plane if the edge is parallel to the plane. If they are not parallel, only the angle between them is measured.
    Edge/Point Measures the shortest distance between an edge and a vertex. The coordinates of the point on the edge from which the minimum distance is calculated is also displayed.
    Point/Arc Measures the shortest distance between the arc center axis and the vertex.
    Point/Plane Measures the shortest distance between a point and a plane

  5. Select the Display vertices and Display edges check boxes to display all the edges and vertices of the solid.

  6. Select the two elements to measure.

    They are highlighted in the authoring window and the results are displayed in the dialog box.