Creating a Machining Operation

You can create a Machining Operation under the Manufacturing Program.

Before you begin: Create the tools required for the Machining Operation. See Creating or Editing a Probing, a Milling, or a Drilling Tool.
Related Topics
Using Part Operations and Manufacturing Programs
Defining Machining Resources
  1. From any product:

    1. Select Start > Machining > Machine Programming.

      A PPR context with an empty Machining Cell is created. An empty Activities Process Tree opens automatically.

    2. Create a generic machine or assign a machine from the database.

      As soon as a machine is assigned to the Machining Cell, a Part Operation and a Manufacturing Program are created in the Activities Process Tree.

    3. Alternatively, open an existing Machining Process or PPR context .

      By default, the Activities Process Tree opens automatically.

  2. Click one of those icons to access the Machining Operation icons:

    • Prismatic Machining Operations
    • Surface Machining Operations
    • Lathe Machining Operations
    • Axial Machining Operations

    The corresponding Machining Operation icons are displayed in a toolbar, e.g.

    In the example below, we create a Sweeping operation. The operating mode is similar for all Machining Operations. See the Interface description in the Prismatic Machining User's Guide, 3-Axis Surface Machining User's Guide, Multi-Axis Surface Machining User's Guide, Multi-slide Lathe Machining User's Guide for more information on each Machining Operation.

  3. Click the required Machining Operation icon and select a Manufacturing Program or another Machining Operation in the Activities Process Tree.

    The Machining Operation dialog box appears.

    • It consists of several tabs:
      • Geometry.
      • Machining Strategy.
      • Tools.
      • Feeds and Speeds.
      • Macros.
    • Their status lights codes are as follows:
      • green: all the requested data are defined,
      • orange: data are defined, but modifications may be necessary,
      • red: data definition is required.


    • The status color codes are as follows:
      • green (or the current value of Valuated parameters): all the requested data are defined,
      • orange ((or the current value of Optional parameters): data are defined, but modifications may be necessary,
      • red (or the current value of Required parameters): data definition is required.
      • The colors of Valuated parameters, Optional parameters, Required parameters are defined in Color and Highlight.
    • You can display some Machining Operation dialog boxes with a simplified user interface. See User Interface.

  4. Still in the Geometry tab, defined the required geometry and other parameters.

    See Selecting Geometry.

  5. Go to the Machining Strategy tab.


  6. Go to the Tools tab.

    See Specifying a Tool Element in a Machining Operation

  7. Go to the Feeds and Speeds tab.

    See Managing Feeds and Speeds.

  8. Go to the Macros tab.

    See Defining Macros

  9. Click Tool Path Replay to compute and validate the tool path of the Machining Operation.

    See Using NC Manufacturing Verification

  10. Click OK to validate and exit the dialog box.

    The Machining Operation is created in the Activities Process Tree, under a Manufacturing Program.

    See Creating a Manufacturing Program and Machining Activities for more information about the position of the Machining Operation.