Creating Sections/Auxiliary Views

You can create a section view, a section cut or an auxiliary view in an existing layout.

Before you begin:
  • Open a 3D shape representation containing a layout.
  • Click and select Mechanical > 2D Layout for 3D Design to open the layout in the 2D window, alongside the 3D window.
Related Topics
About View Creation
More About Sections/Auxiliary Views
About View Callouts
Sheet Styles
Creating a Multi-Plane Section View
Creating a View Using Generative View Styles
  1. Click Line in the Geometry Creation toolbar.

  2. Use the vertical axis to define the cutting profile as shown below, and double-click to end the line creation.

    Important: You could also draw an offset or an aligned profile consisting in multiple segments to create a multi-plane section view. For more information, refer to Creating a Multi-Plane Section View.

  3. Click New Section/Auxiliary View in the Layout toolbar (Views sub-toolbar).

  4. Select the line you have just created as the cutting profile.

    Important: You cannot select geometry which does not belong to the active view.

    The Tools Palette toolbar is automatically displayed with the following options:

    • Auxiliary View: creates an auxiliary view.

    • Section View: creates a section view.

    • Section Cut: creates a section cut.

    • Create Datum: activate this option to create a non-associative view. By default this option is not activated. It is available only when selecting the New View From command.

      Important: These options are also available from the contextual menu. Furthermore, the contextual menu displays the Invert Normal option, that is also available directly in the view, via green manipulators.

  5. Click Section View .

  6. Click on the sheet at the location where you want the section view to be positioned.

    The section view is created, with its plane perpendicular to the active view. Additionally, the Section view item is added to the specification tree.

    Callouts are automatically created in the reference view. For more information, refer to About View Callouts.

  7. Double-click the section view to activate it.

    You can now create 2D geometry in this view.