Sheet Styles

Sheet styles let you define the default values that will be used when creating sheets. This definition is not used in Functional Tolerancing & Annotation workbench.

About Sheet Styles

Sheet styles are located in the Styles > Sheet node of the Standard Definition editor, available via Tools > Standards.

By default, a sheet style called Default is available.

All the parameters associated to a given sheet style are listed in the table below.

Parameter Parameter Name Description
Scale GlobalScale Real number that specifies the global scale that should be applied to the sheet. For example, if you want a global scale of 1:2, you should enter 0.5 and if you want a global scale of 1:1, you should enter 1.
Projection Method ProjectionMethod Specifies whether projection views should be created using the first angle standard, or the third angle standard. Choose a projection method from the list.
Format Format Specifies the Sheet Format Definition defined in the Standard editor and the corresponding paper size that should be applied to the sheet.
Orientation Specifies the orientation that should be applied to the sheet, that is portrait or landscape.
DisplayFormat Specifies whether the frame representing the format of the sheet is displayed.
Generative views positioning mode GenViewsPosMode Specifies whether generative views should be positioned according to the center of gravity of the 3D geometry (which ensures that the center of gravity of the 3D geometry remains at a fixed position at update), or according to the 3D axis system (which ensures that the projection of the 3D axis remains at a fixed position at update, even if the center of gravity of the 3D geometry has changed).