Creating a Multi-Plane Section View

A multi-plane section view contains multiple sub-views, one for each plane in the section. You can create an offset or aligned multi-plane section view in one shot, using a profile made of multiple segments.

Before you begin:
  • Open a 3D shape representation containing a layout and a front view.
  • Click and select Mechanical > 2D Layout for 3D Design to open the layout in the 2D window, alongside the 3D window.
Related Topics
About View Creation
About Offset or Aligned Multi-Plane Section Views
Creating Multi-Plane Section Views from an FTA View or Capture
Creating a View Using Generative View Styles
  1. Click Profile in the Geometry Creation toolbar.

  2. Draw a multiple segment profile.

    Important: You can create either an aligned or an offset profile. As an example, each of the figures shown below would result in the creation of a section view with three planes.

    Aligned profile:

    Offset profile:

  3. Click New Section/Auxiliary View in the Layout toolbar (Views sub-toolbar).

  4. Select the first line of the multi-segment profile.

    • The view containing the multi-segment profile must be the current view.
    • Make sure you select the first-created segment in the profile. If you do not, then only the selected segment is taken into account (and not the whole profile), and an auxiliary view is created.

    The Tools Palette toolbar is automatically displayed with the following options:

    • Auxiliary View: Creates an auxiliary view.

      Important: Selecting this option creates a single plane auxiliary view.
    • Section View: Creates a section view.

    • Section Cut: Creates a section cut.

    • Create Datum: This option is not available.

  5. Click Section View or Section Cut .

  6. Click on the sheet at the location where you want the section view to be positioned.

    The multi-plane section view is created and is represented in the specification tree along with its sub-views as children nodes. The corresponding callout is automatically created in the current view identical to the profile. The sub-views share the same origin in the layout sheet, and their local axes (H and V) overlap. If you selected Section View, the result is as shown below:

Note: The multi-plane section view is not linked to the profile view. You can position it independently anywhere in the sheet.