
This section provides background information about standards in Drafting, 2D Layout for 3D Design and 2D Functional Tolerancing and Annotation. Administrators can manage and customize standards such as ISO, JIS, ANSI, ASME, etc. or company standards. Standards are used to define such elements as annotations, dimensions, dress-up, etc. Standards also set the styles that will be used as defaults for element properties. Keep in mind that standard parameters or styles may not all be applicable to a given workbench. In the specific case of 2D Layout for 3D Design, administrators should also define the view box, which gathers all the data needed to fully define the layout of a view set in the 2D window, as well as the position of each view in the 3D space.

In this section:

About Standards
About Generative View Styles
About the Location of Standard or Generative View Styles Files
Administering Standards and Generative View Styles
Upgrading Standard Files from Previous Releases
Setting Standard Parameters
Setting Styles
Setting General Generative View Style Parameters