About Styling Surfaces

This topic provides you with the information you need when styling surfaces.

The following are discussed:

Related Topics
Merging Subdivision Surfaces
Extruding Faces and Edges
Cutting Faces
Subdividing Faces
Erasing Faces and Edges
Cutting a Subdivision Surface by a Plane
Creating a Revolution Surface
Creating an Extruded Surface
Creating a Net Surface
Modifying the Weight of Vertices or Edges

Use the Slider

This sub-topic shows how to use the slider. When performing certain operations, a slider is displayed at the right of the screen. An interactive zone is defined around this slider.

Here is an example with the slider displayed in the Face Cutting command.

  • When you are in this zone, the pointer position allows to preview the value which is highlighted. Move and click the pointer in the interactive zone, so that the cursor moves to the highlighted value on the slider.
  • The slider can be customized using the anchor point circle at the lower end of the slider. Drag this point across the screen. The preview of the location where the slider can be dropped is displayed. The slider automatically changes its shape according to its position, either horizontal, vertical or in a corner.

  • The slider can be scaled using the resizing manipulator on top.