Remote queue submission uses a preconfigured submission host to manage the distribution of the simulation execution across multiple CPUs.
In the client application, select .
The Options dialog box appears.
Select the category in the left-hand box.
The options for DesignSight settings appear.
Specify the following information in the Simulation Execution
- Select Run remotely using submission host.
- Enter a submission host. This host must be part of a predefined LSF or Windows HPC queue, and the Abaqus Simulation Engine must be available on each node of this queue (see Running the Installation Procedure).
- Select Use queue.
- Enter the Total number of CPUs that you want to utilize when executing a simulation. This number cannot exceed the number of CPUs available in the selected queue.
Click OK to save the settings.
In the DesignSight workbench, create a simulation and click Simulate (see "Performing DesignSight Simulations" in the DesignSight User's Guide).
DesignSight establishes communication with the submission host using the Server Monitor and passes the simulation to the submission host (see Configuring the Server Monitor).
The submission host generates a submission form for the simulation and passes it to the job scheduler for the queue (see Creating the Submission Template).
The job scheduler allocates the simulation to the appropriate machines within the queue based on the parameters defined in the submission form. The simulation is executed according to the options defined in the aqs.env environment file (see Adding Queue Controls to the aqs.env File).
When the simulation is complete, the results are passed back to the client.
The results are displayed in the DesignSight workbench.