When submitting jobs to a queue, a list of commands must be given to the queue job scheduler to define the parameters of the job. The Execution Engine constructs this list of commands from a submission template. The submission template lists queue commands in the standard format and language of the job scheduler. Several variables appear in the submission template, indicated by percentage signs (%). When the submission host receives a simulation from DesignSight, the variables in the template are replaced with job-specific values; the resulting commands are passed to the job scheduler. A submission template for each supported queue is provided in the following location with each Abaqus Simulation Engine installation: install_root/platform/SIMULIA_specifics/site Typically you do not need to modify the submission template, although an appropriate queue name must be added to the LSF template. To specify an LSF queue name, modify the following line in the submission template: #BSUB -q queue_name The variables in the submission template are valued based on your Abaqus Simulation Engine installation and the options specified in the DesignSight client. The following variables must appear (in the appropriate syntax) in a submission template: