Set up communication portsFor installations on machines that will be used a submission hosts, you must set up appropriate communication ports to enable communication between the DesignSight client and the Execution Engine.
Port numbers to enable communication are specified in the following file (see How Does an Installation Affect My Computer? in the Installation and Deployment Guide for more details):
The reserved port numbers on the Abaqus Simulation Engine submission host must match the reserved port numbers on the DesignSight client installation. If you are installing the Abaqus Simulation Engine on multiple machines that will be used as submission hosts, the port numbers must be consistent across all machines. Port numbers do not need to be reserved on execution hosts that will not be used as submission hosts (see Execution hosts). In most cases the default port numbers do not need to be changed. However, you can modify the reserved ports if necessary by editing the services file or by using the DSYSetCommPorts tool described in Setting Backbone and Peripheral Device Broker Port Numbers in the Installation and Deployment Guide. Start the server monitorYou must manually start the server monitor on any machine that will be used as a submission host.
You start the server monitor using the following command:
The CATBatSrvMonitorExe process also starts the CATSysDemon communication daemon process. Only one CATBatSrvMonitorExe process should be running on any machine. You do not need administrator privileges to start the server monitor.