Authoring Work Instructions

You can create several work instructions for an operation, modify them, re-order them, and delete one or two.

This task shows you how to:

Before you begin: Open the Work Instructions Planning workbench (see: Opening the Work Instructions Planning Workbench).

Note: The images in this task show operations created using Manufacturing Systems Definition.

Related Topics
Data Collect
Attaching Documents to a Work Instruction
Sign Off

Create Work Instructions

You can create work instructions associated with operations that are part of the system you selected.

  1. On the Operations Sequencer, select the operation to which you want to add the work instructions.

  2. Click Create Alert.

    Beneath the toolbar, the new, undefined work instruction appears. The default name includes the name of the type of work instruction (e.g., Alert).

  3. Click on the item.

    The Alert dialog box appears.

  4. Enter a name for the alert (e.g., Head_Cleaning Alert), text for the alert, and click OK.

    The alert is created and appears under the toolbar as the first item in the work instructions list.

  5. Click Create Instruction and then click the new instruction item in the work instructions list.

    The Instruction dialog box appears.

  6. If you want to enhance your instructions with images, select the 3D part data and click Capture and Attach Screen Shot .

    Expand appears, indicating the capture and attachment is successful.

  7. Click Expand, and the attachments bar appears.

  8. Click Contract, then OK.

    The new work instruction, with its new name, appears in the list under the toolbar.

Two work instructions have been created and are associated with the operation.

Modify and Reorder Work Instructions

You can modify and reorder work instructions.

Open the Work Instructions Planning workbench with a system set as active that has work instructions already defined.

  1. Select an operation with previously defined work instructions.

    The work instructions appear in a list.

  2. Click on one of the items.

    The dialog box opens and is available for modification.

  3. Make and save the modification.

    The list reflects the change.

  4. Drag and drop a work instruction to another location in the list.

    The list reflects the change.

    Note: See also: Work Instructions Precedence.

Delete Work Instructions

You can delete work instructions from an operation.

Open the Work Instructions Planning workbench with a system set as active that has work instructions already defined.

  1. Select an operation with previously defined work instructions.

    The work instructions appear in a list in the Work Instruction Bar.

  2. Right-click on the work instruction you wish to delete, and select Delete Work Instruction.

    The work instruction is deleted.