Alert Text
- Name
- You can accept the default name provided or create your own.
In most cases, alerts are one of two types: notices of change or warnings. You may wish to have the type appear in the name itself.
the name includes of the work instruction type (in this case, alert).
- Instruction Text
- You can use copy/paste during text entry. If you enter more text than is visible in the initial box, scroll bars appear. The text cannot include any kind of formatting tags or commands, such as those for italics or bold.
You can resize this dialog box.
Alert Options
The Alert dialog contains the following options:
- Show Once
- If this option is selected, the alert appears once for a particular user in the downsteam MES, and then disappears. This option is typically selected for alerts of changes.
- Show Always
- If this option is selected, the alert appears everytime the operation appears in the downsteam MES. This option is typically selected for alerts of some kind danger to data, materials, or people.
By default,
Show Once
is selected.
- Track Confirmation
- Selecting this option means the downstream MES records workers confirmations that they have seen the alert.
By default,
Track Confirmation
is selected.
The alert options are used by a MES; they do not affect V6 user interfaces.