Instruction Text
- Name
- You can accept the default name provided or create your own.
the name includes the name of the work instruction type (in this case, Instruction).
- Instruction Text
- You can use copy/paste during text entry. If you enter more text than is visible in the initial box, scroll bars appear. The text cannot include any kind of formatting tags or commands, such as those for italics or bold.
You can resize this dialog box.
Attachment Commands
- Attach Document
You can attach a wide variety of documents to the instruction, such as images, spreadsheets, or PDFs. When you preview the work instruction, there is link to the document. If you want to attach a document that is not in the database, you can import documents. See Attaching Documents to a Work Instruction.
- Capture and Attach Screen Shot
You can select part data from the 3D graphic view and the click Capture and Attach Screen Shot. A screen capture is attached to the work instruction. When you preview the instruction, you see the screen capture.
When you capture the screen, the system stores information on:
- Expand
When you have attached either a document or a screen capture to a work instruction, Expand appears. By clicking Expand , you can see the attachment screen.
From the attachment screen, you can right-click on any document or screen capture, and select Detach Document . You can also right-click on any screen capture, and select Update Screen Capture . The screen capture is updated based on the criteria that were saved when the capture was first made. An alternative way to update all screen captures within an operations sequence is to right-click on an operation and select Update All . See Accessing Commands from the Operations Sequencer. V6 has an internal default browser for the following types of files: bmp, jpg, jpeg, png, tiff, gif, pdf, htm, html, and xml. If you mouse over one of the attachments of this type, a preview of the attachment appears in the lower right. To close this browser, click in the top left. To see other attachments, click on the attachment to launch its external browser.
- Contract
- When you have the attachment screen open on the Instruction dialog box, you can close it by clicking Contract.
If you add an instruction with attachments into a catalog and reuse the instruction in another operation, the attachments remain associated with the instruction. However, if you copy and paste work instructions on the PPR tree (i.e., outside of the Work Instructions Planning workbench), the attachments do not remain attached.