About Structure Resources

The Structure Resources corresponds to the set of resources necessary for creating the structure objects and drawings. In this resource table you can assign set of rules and structure catalogs to standardize your design.

Related Topics
About Project Resource Management
Assigning PRM Resources
Associating Resources with Projects

The table below lists the type and format of setup data items in Structure Resources.

Name Type Format Description
Molded Conventions Document XML
  • Contains set of rules that define the orientation of structural object.
  • It is not mandatory to set this resource.
  • If this resource is not set, you are limited to regular CATIA standard orientations.
Tip: The sample MoldedConventions.xml file is located at ...\startup\EquipmentAndSystems\Structure\Project\ShipBuilding_Hull1234.
Structure 2D Symbols Catalog Catalog Catalog
  • Catalog containing drawing symbols, used for drawing generation.
  • It is not mandatory to set this resource.
Tip: The sample Structure2DSymbolsCatalog.catalog file is located at ...\startup\EquipmentAndSystems\Structure\StructuralCatalogs\DrawingSymbols
Structure Annotation Catalog Catalog Catalog
  • Catalog containing ATS symbols used for drawing generation.
  • It is not mandatory to set this resource.
Tip: The sample StructureAnnotationCatalog.catalog is located at ...\startup\EquipmentAndSystems\Structure\StructuralCatalogs\DrawingSymbols.
Slot Table Sheet csv, txt, xls, xlsm, xlsx
  • Table containing standard slot dimensions.
  • It is mandatory to set this resource when placing slots.
Tip: The sample SlotTable.xlsx file is located at ...\startup\EquipmentAndSystems\Structure\DetailingFeatures\Slots.
Opening Table Sheet csv, txt, xls, xlsm, xlsx
  • Table containing standard opening dimensions.
  • It is not mandatory to set this resource.
  • If this resource is not set, you are limited to Sketched Opening and 3D Object Opening modes.
Tip: The sample OpeningTable.xlsx file is located at ...\startup\EquipmentAndSystems\Structure\DetailingFeatures\Openings.
Endcut Table Sheet csv, txt, xls, xlsm, xlsx
  • Table containing standard end cut dimensions.
  • It is mandatory to set this resource when placing endcuts.
Tip: The sample EndcutTable.xlsx file is located at ...\startup\EquipmentAndSystems\Structure\DetailingFeatures\Endcuts.
Material Table Sheet csv, txt, xls, xlsm, xlsx
  • Table containing recommended combination of material-grade and section of stiffener or member/ thickness of panel.
  • It is not mandatory to set this resource.
  • If this resource is not set, you can select any combination of sections and thickness without following the recommendations.
Tip: The sample MaterialTable.xlsx file is located at ...\startup\EquipmentAndSystems\Structure\Project.
Project Dictionary Resource PLM Kowledge-based Applicative Component PLM Kowledge-based Applicative Component
  • Contains user classes and attributes.
  • It is not mandatory to set this resource.
  • If this resource is not set, you are limited to the standard classes : Panel, Stiffener, Member , Opening and Stiffener on Free Edge.
Tip: The sample Shipbuilding_Dictionary.3dxml file is located at ...\startup\EquipmentAndSystems\Structure\Project\Dictionary.
Shell Expansion Drawing Template Document XML
  • Contains the information about the sheet format, view name and view scale for shell expansion drawing.
  • It is mandatory to set this resource when creating a shell expansion view.
Tip: The sample ShellExpDrawingTemplate.xml file is located at ...\startup\EquipmentAndSystems\Structure\Project.