About Project Resource Management

Project resource management (PRM) eases the process of managing the setup data. This topic gives a brief idea about PRM.

Related Topics
Assigning PRM Resources
Associating Resources with Projects

The applications rely on a large variety of resources or setup data. The application defines the required set of resources. However, you need to manage these resources effectively.

PRM provides the following modular approach:

  • The administrator assigns physical resources to setup data items.
  • The administrator associates data tables containing setup data items with specific people and organization projects.
  • For a given people and organization context, the application retrieves the associated resources.

Advantages of PRM:

  • It provides a unified and centralized solution for managing setup data.
  • It allows only authorized or valid setup data associations.
  • It reduces the time taken to retrieve resources at runtime, therefore, increasing the performance.
  • It is accessible to the designer and the deployer of the application and it can be used at any time of the application development phase.