Creating Complex Patterns

You can pattern a list of part design features at the location of your choice.

Before you begin:

To perform this task, create a pocket on a pad.

Related Topics
About Patterns
Creating Rectangular Patterns
Creating Circular Patterns
  1. Multi-select the features to be duplicated. These features must belong to the same body.

  2. Click Rectangular Pattern . The Object box indicates the number of elements to be patterned.

  3. Set the parameters you need as explained in Creating Rectangular Patterns or Creating Circular Patterns, depending on the pattern type you wish.

    Important: Before patterning a list of features, note that:
    Warning: The pattern does not give appropriate results if the list of features to be patterned contains elements with non-movable sub-elements (wireframe geometry like points, lines, planes or B-Reps like edges, faces etc.). In this case, the following warning message is displayed :

    The list of features to be patterned contains elements with non-movable sub-elements (i.e. wireframe geometry, edges etc.). Consequently, the Pattern operation may produce wrong results. (In case you want to pattern a User Feature, launch pattern command first and then select the User Feature for stable results.) Do you want to continue?