Creating Circular Patterns

Patterns allow you to create several identical features from an existing one and simultaneously position them on a 3D shape. You can create a circular pattern of the instances using the Circular Pattern command.

This task shows you how to:

Before you begin:

To perform this task, create a cylinder and a smaller one on top of it.

Related Topics
About the Circular Pattern Definition Dialog Box
About Patterns
Creating Rectangular Patterns
Creating Complex Patterns
Patterning User Defined Features (UDFs)
Exploding Patterns
More about Optimizing Part Design Performance

Obtain Multiple Instances Using a Circular Pattern

You can create circular pattern by maintaining equal angular spacing between the instances.

  1. Select the pad whose geometry you want to copy.

    Tip: Make sure the item you wish to duplicate is correctly located in relation to the circular rotation axis.

  2. Click Circular Pattern .

    The Circular Pattern Definition dialog box appears and the feature's name displays in the Object box.

    Tip: If you change your mind and decide to pattern the current solid, click the Object box and use the Get current solid contextual command. For more information, see About Patterns.

  3. Set Instances & Angular spacing in the Parameters list to define the parameters you wish to specify.

  4. Enter 7 as the number of pads you wish to obtain.

  5. Enter 50 degrees as the angular spacing.

  6. Click the Reference element box and select the upper face to determine the rotation axis. This axis will be normal to the face.

    Two arrows are then displayed on the pad.

    Tip: If you modify the angular spacing, the application previews the result: arrows 1 and 2 are moved accordingly.

  7. Click Preview: the pad will be repeated six times. The instances are green, just like the original feature.

  8. Now, you are going to add a crown to your 3D shape. To do so, click the Crown Definition tab.

  9. Set the Circle & Circle spacing options to define the parameters you wish to specify.

  10. Enter 2 in the Circles box.

  11. Enter -18 mm in the Circle spacing box.

  12. Click OK. These are your new instances:

  13. Now, you are going to modify the position of the initial pad. Such a modification will affect all instances too. Double-click the pattern.

  14. Extend the dialog box by clicking More>>.

  15. Enter 20 in the Rotation angle box. The application previews the rotation.

  16. Click OK. All instances are moved accordingly.

Assign Unequal Angular Spacing

You can assign specific angular spacing between each instance.

  1. Set the Instances & unequal angular spacing parameter.

    Angular spacing values are displayed between each instance.

  2. To edit the values between each instance, you need to edit values individually. First, select the angular spacing of interest if not already done.

  3. Then, choose one of the methods described hereafter: For example, if you wish to change 50 degrees for 80 degrees for the angular spacing selected as shown in our picture, you can:

    • double-click the angle value in the geometry area. This displays the Parameter Definition dialog box in which you can enter the new value.
    • directly enter the new value in the Angular spacing box of the Circular Pattern Definition dialog box.

  4. Repeat the operation for the other angular spacings.

  5. Click OK when done

    Tip: It is possible to create polar patterns (for example, spiral patterns). To do so, you need to define formulas. For more information about formulas, refer to the Knowledge Advisor User's Guide.