How to Improve Update OperationsThe topic provides information about improving the update information.
General Recommendations For Part Design FeaturesFollowing are the general recommendations for the part design features: Pad, Pocket, Hole, Shaft, GrooveTo improve update performance, especially if you are working on
complex and large documents, we recommend you:
HolesEditing center points may sometimes take a long time. Whenever your design includes several holes which center points need to be edited, we strongly recommend you define intermediate bodies on which you create the holes. Using intermediate bodies is a way of reducing the number of operations affected by changes. Once intermediate bodies are created, just assemble them to the part. PatternWhen working on patterns with a large number of instances, to
reduce update times :
The following scenarios illustrate the traditional method, then the method we recommend. Traditional Method: The user designed an up to surface pocket, then patterned it: updates of the document take a long time.
Recommended Method: Using the recommended method, the user created a new body, set a dimension for the pocket, patterned it, then assembled the body to the Part Body: update times are greatly reduced because the update process does not re-compute the new body (the application performs calculations again if the geometry within the body is linked to the geometry outside of the body, which is the case of constraints or use edges for example).
How to Improve Performance when EditingYou can improve performance when editing features by acting on the application visualization settings:
How to Reduce Data Size when Positioning Pasted BodiesThere are two ways of positioning bodies you copied and then pasted using the As Result With Link option.
Add PositionAdd Position... creates a set called "Positioning Set" associated
with the pasted body, just below the Solid.x entity. In this set,
an axis system is added as a parameter. When you are applying
isometric transformations (such as Rotation, Translation, Symmetry
etc.) onto the pasted geometry, apply in Generative Shape Design
workbench a similar transformation onto this axis system. From a
geometrical point of view, the result is the same. This is just a
way of reducing the data size as well as maintaining the
associativity of the pasted body's position.
Note: The size of the document reduces only if the Solid is complex enough. In addition to performing these operations, the command also reroutes existing transformations.
Note: If a Positioning Set or any of its entities is defined as the current object (defined in work object), the application visualizes only these entities. All the other geometric elements are hidden in the geometry area.