
The Simulation options let you customize simulation settings for Machining.

Select this tab to access options for:

Tool Path Display

Display Tool path during Simulation
When selected:
  • makes the tool path visible while running the machine simulation commands.
  • makes the Show Point and Show Line check boxes available for selection.

By default, this checkbox is not selected.

Show Point
When selected, displays the TCP points. You can select the Color and Type display options for these points from the lists.

By default,

  • this check box is not available.
  • When available, the Show Point check box is selected. The Color and Type options are as shown above.

Show Line
When selected, displays the tool path trace as a line. You can select the Color, Type, and Line Thickness display options for this trace from the lists.

By default,

  • this check box is not available.
  • When available, the Show Line check box is selected. The Color, Type and Line Thickness options are as shown above.

Integrated Material Removal

Enable material removal simulation during machine simulation
When selected,
  • allows the computation of the material removal during the simulation.
  • makes the ISO Code Simulation options available.

Note: this option is time and memory consuming. We advise not to select it unless necessary.

By default, this checkbox is not selected.

ISO Code Simulation

Cutting Tool Condition

Defines the Cutting Tool Condition used during the ISO code simulation :

  • Nominal or
  • Maximum Wear.


    • If the Maximun Wear condition is not defined for a tool, the Nominal condition will be used.
    • In the case of compensation (i.e. G41 …), the Maximum Wear conditions are used for the simulation.

The Cutting Tool Condition selected applies to all the tools of the program to be simulated.

The length offset is managed as follows:

  • The Maximum Wear condition applied with a length offset means the tool is shortened (the tool gauge is reduced),
  • The reference point of the tool is computed starting from the base axis with a Z-offset corresponding to the length offset value.

By default,

  • this option is not available.
  • When available, it is set to Nominal.