Using the Graphic Properties Toolbar

You can display and edit the graphic properties (color, transparency, linetype and thickness, etc.) of a selected object through a dedicated toolbar. The values you set in this toolbar are kept from one workbench to another in the same session.

Before you begin: The default values of the Graphic Properties toolbar are stored in preference files (which are identified by the suffix *.CATPreferences and cannot be administered). This means that default values are kept from one session to another. Next time you access the toolbar, it is displayed with its default values.
Related Topics
More About Editing Graphic Properties
Reversing Actions
Viewing and Hiding Toolbars
  1. Select View > Toolbars > Graphic Properties.

    The Graphic Properties toolbar appears (it is hidden by default) and the values displayed correspond to the element you selected, for instance:

  2. In the Color list, click the down arrow to choose the color to be applied to the object.

    A list appears containing:

    • A blank color box (No Name)
    • The Automatic option (which lets you make the color standard)
    • A list of sixteen default colors from the color palette, ready for use
    • The More Colors... option
    • The No Color option (for Assembly objects only).

  3. Select the desired color.

    The selected color is now displayed in the list.

    Pointing the cursor over the combo box displays the name of the selected color.

  4. Optional: Use the No Color option to apply a color onto a face without having to modify the product color.

    1. Select the product in the specification tree.
    2. Choose No Color in the Color list.
    3. Select the face onto which you want to apply the color.
    4. Select the desired color from the Color list.

  5. To display an object as transparent, use the Transparency list.

    "100%" corresponds to a full visibility, "50%" to a semi-transparency and "0%" to a non-transparency (the object is opaque).

    Note: The visual feedback differs according to the transparency mode you set in the Performance tab.

  6. Set the edge linetype (dashed, dashed, etc.) and thickness, using the appropriate lists.

  7. Optional: If you have selected a line or a curve, you can set the line and curve color as well as the linetype and weight the same way as for parts.

  8. Set the point symbol to be used to represent the point using the appropriate list.

  9. In the Rendering Style list, select the style to be used to render the selected object, provided that it supports rendering styles.

    This option is identical to the one provided in the Properties dialog box.

  10. Use the Layer list to assign the selected objects to a layer.

    When pointing at the Layer list, a tooltip displays the layer name (if any), the layer number as well as the storage location of the layer definition:

  11. Click Painter to apply graphic properties from one object to another. To do so, proceed in the following order:

    Warning: Painter does not allow you to copy all the graphic properties of an object, but only a set of graphic properties for each list. For instance it is not possible to modify the color of edges and faces of a part body at the same time. Only the color of faces can be modified. The reason is that the Painter has the same effect as the lists displayed in the Graphic Properties toolbar: when you use the Color list, you modify only the color of faces. Therefore, when you use the Painter to modify a color, only the color of faces is impacted.

    1. Select the object(s) on which you want to apply new graphic properties.
    2. Click Painter .
    3. Select the reference object, i.e. the object from which you will copy the graphic properties.

  12. Optional: Click Graphic Properties Wizard to access the Graphic Properties Wizard.