Using the Graphic Properties Wizard

You can use a specific viewer to display the graphic properties of a selected object and those of its parents. This makes it easier to identify from which parent each object's graphic property derives.

Before you begin: The Wizard cannot be used for Drafting documents.
Related Topics
Graphic Properties Wizard
Viewing and Hiding Toolbars
  1. Select View > Toolbars > Graphic Properties.

  2. In the specification tree or geometry area, select the item on which you want information.

    Warning: You cannot select multiple objects.

  3. In the Graphic Properties toolbar, click Graphic Properties Wizard .

  4. In the bottom right part of the Graphic Properties Wizard, select the graphic property on which you want information (Show in our example).

    If no item has been selected prior to launching the wizard , the window displays No Selection and lets you select an element from the specification tree or the geometry area.

  5. To display information on another graphic property, click the icon of your choice in the icon box or select the appropriate item the list.

    The information displayed in the window is updated accordingly.

    Important: When no information is found on a graphic property, Not Defined is displayed next to the object name.

  6. Select another object in the specification or in the geometry area:

    The Graphic Properties Wizard window is automatically updated to display the graphic properties of the selected object.

  7. When finished, click Close.