The way colors are applied to sub-elements depends on the main object type.
Color on Mechanical Modeler Objects
It is not possible to apply a color to the representation itself
but only to the part body and its sub-elements.
If you access the representation properties, the Graphic
tab is grayed out.
For more information, see Part Design User's Guide:
Displaying and Editing Properties: Displaying and Editing Bodies
Color on Assembly Objects
When applying a color onto an Assembly object, any other element
located at a lower level in the specification tree inherits this
color and the list displays the color of the Assembly object.
However, the color modification impacts only the display at
rendering level and not the graphic properties. This can be useful,
for instance, to highlight an object among others without altering
its graphic properties.
If you want to deactivate the inheritance mechanism, click the
Color list: all the elements located at a lower level
have their own color back and No Color is displayed in
the list.
When working with Edges and points and
Shading selected, the color applied to the product is
also applied to the mesh but not to lineic elements (edges,
sketches, etc.) which turn black. In this case, it is not possible to
modify the color of these lineic elements.
However, when working with the Edges and points check
box selected, the color applied to the product is also applied to
lineic elements.
Color on Surfaces
You can apply a color on sub-elements of a surface.
Let's suppose the
following model:

When accessing the graphic properties of the sub-element
"EdgeFillet.1", the fill Color list is available:

You can then select the desired color from the combo box and click
Apply or OK to confirm.
The color is applied to the selected face only:

Low Intensity
The Low Intensity property enables you to filter the visualization of any
geometry by applying a specific color.
Elements can be put in low-intensity state by:
If needed, you can keep the low-intensity state for 2D or 3D
objects displayed in Shading with Material rendering
style. This means that when you apply the low-intensity state to
objects onto which materials have been applied, the low-intensity
state is kept even though elements are visualized in Shading
with Material. This is illustrated by the pictures below showing two parts onto
which materials have been applied:
Example 1 - Low Intensity is cleared and the
materials applied on the two parts are displayed:

Example 2 - Low Intensity is selected and the materials are not
displayed anymore ; they are overriden by the low-intensity color:

As soon as you clear the Low Intensity option, the
materials are displayed.

Rendering Styles
Rendering styles can be applied only to CATParts or to CATParts
embedded in CATProducts.
- Part body:
you can apply a rendering style to each body composing the part
body and this, even if a body is embedded into another one.
All the elements gathered in the part body or in the body inherit
the rendering style of their parent. As a consequence, you cannot
apply a rendering style to the child solid features (such as a pad
or a fillet).
- Geometrical set:
you can apply a rendering style to the geometrical set as a whole
and to each child feature in the graph ; each feature may be
applied a different rendering style. If no rendering style has been
applied to a feature, this feature will be displayed with the
rendering style applied to the father element or, if no father
exists, with the rendering style of the viewer used to display the
- Shape body:
the behavior is identical to the one of the geometrical set except
that different child features may share the same visual
representation and therefore, the same rendering style.
The following rendering styles are available:
- No Specific Rendering:
this is the default mode. You can use it to remove a rendering
style that has been previously applied.
- Transparent:
displays the selected object in transparency mode:

- Wireframe:
displays only the selected objects' edges:

- Shading:
displays the selected object in shading mode:

- Shading with Edges:
displays the selected object in shading mode with all edges:

The inheritance mechanism for the graphic properties varies according to the object type.
Assembly Objects
The following properties can be inherited: color, transparency,
line type and line weight.
This inheritance can be deactivated by
doing one of the actions below depending on the property you want to inherit:
- Select No Color in the Color list
- Select No Linetype in the Linetype list
- Select No Width in the Thickness list
- Clear the option next to the Transparency slider.
For more information on graphic properties applied to products, see
VPM Editor User's Guide: Managing Graphic Properties in
Mechanical Modeler Objects
There is a specific inheritance mechanism for Mechanical Modeler objects.
- When a mechanical object (a pad, for instance) has been assigned a
color, this color is used to display the object. Otherwise, the
object is displayed using the color of its father element (i.e. the
part body).
To reset the inheritance from the father to the children, select
Reset properties from the Edit menu or from
the pad's contextual menu. Bear in mind that this command cancels
any local modification applied to the graphic properties of the pad
(including color and transparency)
- The following properties are set at the part body level and cannot
be inherited: point symbol, line thickness and linetype.
For more information on graphic properties applied to bodies, see
Part Design User's Guide: Displaying and Editing Properties:
Displaying and Editing Bodies Properties.

The transparency of a part onto which a material is applied cannot be modified through the part's graphic properties.
When a material has been applied onto a part with
Material selected in View > Render Style >
Customize View (or with Shading with Material selected in the View
toolbar), the graphic properties defined in the
Properties dialog box have no impact on the part display
As a consequence, if you need to modify the transparency, for
instance, this must be done in the material properties. For more
information on modifying material properties and on materials in
general, see Real Time Rendering User's Guide.

Macros are provided to retrieve and change some graphic
These graphic properties are :
- Color
- Opacity (i.e. transparency)
- Linetype
- Line thickness
- Symbol
- Show
- Pick
- Layers.
For more information, see Enterprise Architecture Automation:
Infrastructure Automation: 3D Visualization.