Component Family Toolbar

The Component Family toobar provides the following information.

Show icons legend

This icon opens a window explaining the meaning of the status icons.

Manage components family catalogs

See Managing Catalogs of Components Families

Provide naming options for items resolution

See Assigning a Name to the New Component Family

Attributes valuation

See Valuating Attributes

Change maturity of Generic Model

See Changing the Maturity of the Generic Model

Change maturity of resolved models

See Changing the Maturity of Resolved Models

Test or resolve items of the family

See Testing and Resolving Family Items

Manage components family modifications

See Managing Component Family Modifications

Add pictures to the family

See Adding Pictures

Look for catalog chapters that reference components family items

See Looking for Catalog Chapters Referencing Component Family Items

Look for components using components family items resolved models

See Looking for Components Using Resolved Models

Show/Hide the item test status

This icon hides or shows the item test status.