Defining an Affinity

You can apply an affinity transformation to a functional feature using the Transform command.

This task illustrates an affinity transform applied to two functional features at the same time (Shellable Prism and Pocket).

Related Topics
More About Transform Features
Defining a Translation
Defining a Rotation
Defining a Symmetry
Defining a Scaling
Transforming Axis to Axis
  1. Click Transform .

    The Transform dialog box appears.

  2. Click Affinity .

  3. Select Features to transform: Shellable Prism.1 and Pocket.1.

  4. Select Origin: Select Point.1

  5. Select XY Plane: Select xy plane

  6. Right-click X axis field and select the Axis contextual menu that is displayed.

  7. Enter X=0.5, Y=3, Z=2 for Ratios.

  8. Click OK.