Using Computed Data

You can visualize how the solver interprets the pre-processing specifications (loads or masses) using computed data.

This task shows you how to:

Before you begin: The results of a static or frequency scenario must be generated.
Related Topics
More about Computed Data
Executing a Simulation from the Structural Analysis Workbench
Generating Images

Show and Hide Computed Data

You can show and then hide the computed data of static and frequency solutions. Computed data can be:

  • Computed loads
  • Computed masses
    Important: Only additional masses are taken into account. Additional masses are masses that belong to a mass set. This means that if no mass set is referenced in the analysis scenario, no computed masses will be generated. If a mass set is referenced then computed masses are generated, even if the mass set is empty.

  1. To show hidden computed data, right-click a solution result in the specification tree and select Show/Hide Computed Data .

    Computed Data appears in the specification tree. See More about Computed Data.

    Example of computed data for a static scenario that references a load set and a mass set:

    Example of computed data for a static scenario that references only a load set:

  2. To hide the computed data, right-click a solution result in the specification tree and select Show/Hide Computed Data.

You can now update the computed data you generated and then generate images. See Using Computed Data.

Update Computed Data

You can update computed data.

  • Right-click a non up-to-date computed data in the specification tree, and select Update Computed Data .

    The computed data are updated (the symbol disappears in the specification tree).

You can now generate image on computed loads. See Using Computed Data.

Generate Images on Computed Data

You can generate images to visulaize computed data. The list of available images depends on the type of computed data (computed loads or computed masses). See Available Images.

  1. In the specification tree, right-click a computed data (computed loads or computed masses), and select Generate Images.

    The Generate Images dialog box appears. See Generating Images.

  2. Select an image.

  3. Click OK.

    The image is automatically generated in the 3D visualization and appears in the specification tree under the computed data.