Executing a Simulation from the Structural Analysis Workbench

Once you have defined your simulation in the Structural Analysis workbench, you can perform the simulation by simulating scenarios and generating the scenario results.

A finite element computation is a succession of data manipulation processes in which input data resulting from a previous process (or directly input by the user) is converted into output data ready to be used by a subsequent process. Such ready-to-use data are stored in program object sets such as those appearing in the analysis features tree under scenarios (restraints, loads, masses). Computing a scenario consists in generating finite elements results for all objects necessary to analyze the specified scenario.

Before you begin: At least, a scenario must exist and must be defined.
Related Topics
About Solver Computation
Understanding Computation Incidents
About Structural Analysis Simulations
Creating Analysis Scenarios
Updating Scenarios
Defining a Current Object
Viewing the Structural Analysis Simulation Results
  1. In the Execution toolbar, click Simulate and Generate Results .

    Tip: You can also right-click a sceario in the specification tree, and select Simulate and Generate Results.

    The Simulate and Generate Results dialog box appears, and by default the current scenario is selected automatically.

  2. Optional: If you want to compute another scenario, select the desired scenario in the specification tree.

  3. Optional: If you want to compute all the scenarios at once, click .

  4. Click OK.

    If it is not already done, a PLM Update operation is launched first, then both the Computation Status dialog box and the Simulation... progress bar appear.

    The progress bar displays status messages (Meshing, Factorization, Solution) that give you the degree of advancement of the computation process.

  5. Optional: To interrupt the computation process, click Cancel in the Simulation... progress bar.

    All the entities that have been already updated hold their update status.

At the end of the computation:

  • If an error is detected during the computation, the Computation Incident Diagnosis dialog box appears to let you understand, analyze, and solve the problem. The diagnosis appears in the specification tree under Results of Scenario and is stored with the simulation when you propagate the simulation. If you close the Computation Incident Diagnosis dialog box, you can click Scenario Incident Diagnosis to open it again, or you can double-click the diagnosis in the specification tree. See Understanding Computation Incidents.
  • If the computation is successful, the status of all the preprocessing specifications is changed to valid in the specification tree, Result appears in the specification tree if it is the first time you simulate and generate results, and CATIA automatically switches to the result workbench. You can now view the structural analysis simulation results. The symbol appears on updated scenarios and scenario results.


If you simulate and generate the results for the two scenarios shown bellow:

The results corresponding to the two scenarios are generated and created in the specification tree: