Available Images

Some images are directly available through the generate image capability, the others are available by editing a generated image.

Related Topics
Generating Images
Editing Images
The following table gives you the list of the available images in an alphabetic order, created directly using the Generate Image capability or by editing a generated image.
Image Physical type Subtype Meaning Generated or edited
Acceleration Translational acceleration vector Edition
Acceleration vector Translational acceleration vector

Angular acceleration Angular acceleration Modal angular acceleration

Angular velocity Angular velocity

Area moment of inertia Area moment of inertia

Area shear ratio in XY plane Effective shear area ratio in xy plane Cross sectional area above shear area in XY-plane

Area shear ratio in XZ plane Effective shear area ratio in xz plane Cross sectional area above shear area in XZ-plane

Clearance Clearance

Composite angle Angle Orientation of each composite ply

Composite angle stack up Angle Orientation of all composite plies

Critical solutions Name of the solution that contain a critical value

Critical values Critical values at each node

Cross sectional area Cross sectional area Beam element cross sectional area

Curvature Curvature

Deformed mesh Mesh

Degrees of freedom 3D mechanical degrees of freedom Fixed degrees of freedom

Element centroid 3D coordinates

Element number Element set

Estimated local error Estimated error

Force flow 2D Force flow Integration of the plane stresses in the thickness of 2D elements (shell, composite shell, membrane, and composite membrane elements)

Force flow 3D Force flow   Integration of the plane and shear stress component in the thickness of 2D elements (shell and composite shell elements)

Friction force ratio Normal to tangential force ratio

Hoffman criterion Failure criterion Hoffman

Laminate number Number of laminates Number of laminates

Line force vector Lineic force vector

Line mass Lineic mass

Local axis Local axis

Local singularity in rotation 3D rotation vector Singularity

Local singularity in translation 3D translation vector Singularity

Local strain energy Elastic energy

Local strain energy density Elastic energy density

Mass inertia Mass inertia

Mass moment of inertia Mass moment of inertia

Material Element material

Maximum failure criterion Failure criterion Maximum failure

Moment flow Moment flow

Nodal coordinates 3D coordinates

Nodes number Node set

Offset vector Offset vector

Orientation vector Orientation vector Orientation of beam connection

Physical type Physical type

Point force Point force vector Nodal force reaction Edition
Point force vector Point force vector Nodal force reaction

Point mass Point mass Nodal mass

Point moment Point moment vector Nodal moment reaction Edition
Point moment vector Point moment vector Nodal moment reaction

Ply id Ply ID Name of plies

Pressure Pressure

Relative acceleration vector Translational acceleration vector

Relative translational displacement vector 3D nodal displacement Relative

Relative velocity vector Translational velocity vector

Rotational acceleration Rotational acceleration Edition
Rotational acceleration vector Rotational acceleration

Rotational displacement 3D rotation vector

Rotational displacement vector 3D rotation vector

Rotational stiffness Rotational stiffness

Rotational velocity Rotational velocity Edition
Rotational velocity vector Rotational velocity

Shear center Shear center Two coordinates in the plane of the beam section

Shear panel stress full tensor component Stress Shear

Strain full tensor component Strain

Strain principal tensor component Strain

Stress full tensor Stress

Stress full tensor component Stress

Stress principal shearing Stress Edition
Stress principal tensor component Stress

Stress Von Mises criterion Stress Edition
Surface force Surfacic force vector Applied nodal force Edition
Surface force vector Surfacic force vector Applied nodal force

Surface mass Surfacic mass

Surface stress full tensor Stress Surface

Surface stress full tensor component Stress Surface

Surface stress principal tensor component Stress Surface

Temperature field Temperature

Thickness 3D shell thickness Surface element thickness (in case of a 2D composite property, the displayed thickness is the sum of all laminates)

Thickness (lamina) 3D shell thickness Thickness per laminate Edition
Translational displacement 3D nodal displacement

Translational displacement vector 3D nodal displacement

Translational stiffness Translational stiffness

Transverse shear strain Transverse shear strain

Transverse shear stress Transverse shear stress

Tresca criterion Failure criterion Tresca

Tresca stress Tresca criterion

Tsai-Hill criterion Failure criterion Tsai-Hill

Tsai-Wu criterion Failure criterion Tsai-Wu

User element number User number

User element name

User node number User number

User node name

Velocity Translational velocity vector Edition
Velocity vector Translational velocity vector

Volume force Volumic force vector Edition
Volume force vector Volumic force vector

Volume mass Volumic mass

Von Mises stress Von Mises

Von Mises criterion Failure criterion Von Mises