More about Computed Data

Computed data allows you to visualize how the solver interprets load and mass specifications.

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Using Computed Data


Structural analysis pre-processing specifications are generally applied to the centers of gravity of mesh entities (where entities can be elements, edges, faces, ...). The solver needs to evaluate these pre-processing specifications at the degrees of freedom of mesh nodes.

The recommended methodology to use computed data is:

  1. Set your preprocessing specifications (restraints, loads, masses).
  2. Show computed data.
  3. Update computed data.
  4. Generate images on computed data.
  5. Generate a report on computed data.


This is an example of a pressure load applied to a face.

Preprocessing representation: symbol representing the pressure specification

Finite element model view: Pressure image displayed at face of element

Solver view: Point Force Vector image displayed at node of element

Computed Data Content and Naming Rules

Computed data can contain computed loads and computed masses.

The content of computed data depends on:

  • The update status of computed data.
  • The content of the analysis scenarios (load set or mass set).

In the following example, the static scenario contains a load set and a mass set; Computed Data.1 contains both computed loads and computed masses.

To summarize:

Content of analysis scenario Content of computed data Naming rules
Load set called Loads.1 Computed loads Computed Loads.1 (Loads.1)
Mass set called Masses.1 Computed masses Computed Masses.1 (Masses.1)