Defining Harmonic Dynamic Scenarios

You can define a harmonic dynamic scenario to analyze the reaction of a model in response to a repetitive motion or force input. It is useful for vibration and cyclic fatigue problems.

Creating a harmonic dynamic scenario allows you to set up a harmonic dynamic solution where loads or restraints are excited.

Before you begin: A frequency scenario must be created and defined. See Creating Frequency Scenarios.
Related Topics
Creating an Analysis Scenario
Creating Frequency Scenarios
Creating Dynamic Excitations
Defining Damping
Updating Scenarios
Executing a Simulation from the Structural Analysis Workbench
  1. Create a harmonic dynamic scenario. See Creating an Analysis Scenario.

    1. In the Scenarios toolbar, click Analysis Scenarios .
    2. In the list, select Harmonic dynamic.
    3. Click OK.

    The Harmonic Dynamic dialog box appears.

  2. Optional: In the Name box, modify the scenario name.

  3. Select an existing frequency scenario for the mode shapes.

  4. Optional: By default, an empty harmonic motion set and an empty harmonic load set are created. You can also reference an existing harmonic motion set and an existing harmonic load set.

    To reference an existing harmonic motion set:

    1. Select the Harmonic Motion tab.
    2. In the Available list, select the harmonic motion set.
    3. Click .

    To reference an existing harmonic load set:

    1. Select the Harmonic Load tab.
    2. In the Available list, select the harmonic load set.
    3. Click .

    The selected sets appear in the Referenced list.

  5. Optional: In the Parameters tab, modify the parameters of the dynamic scenario.

    The parameters of a harmonic dynamic scenario are:

    • Starting Frequency
    • Ending Frequency
    • Number of Intervals

  6. Click OK.

    The harmonic dynamic scenario containing the selected dynamic excitations and a damping is created.