Updating Scenarios

Updating a scenario implies the update of other linked objects such as meshes, properties, and preprocessing specifications (excitations) without requiring the computation of the solution.

Before you begin: At least one scenario must exist.
Related Topics
Creating Analysis Scenarios
Understanding Computation Incidents
Executing a Simulation from the Structural Analysis Workbench
Defining a Current Object
  1. Optional: In the specification tree, select the scenarios you want to update.

    Tip: If no scenario is selected, the current scenario is selected by default and is updated. If you want to update the current scenario, you do not need to select it.

  2. In the Execution toolbar, click Update Scenario .

    The PLM Update progress bar appears.

    The selected scenarios and all the entities linked to the selected scenarios (meshes, properties, restraints, masses, loads...) are updated; the symbol disappears in the specification tree.

    To learn more about the PLM Update capability, see PLM Update.