- Click Time Based Video
in the Synchronization
Management toolbar.
A Video window appears showing the stock representation
and the tools in their initial positions. The Simulation Player
and Analysis toolbars are also displayed.
If more than one position (set up) are assigned to same spindle then Time Based Video command is not supported. Make sure that there is just one position assigned per spindle.
For more information on Position, please refer to the Creating a Sequential Part Transfer Activity.
- Click Play Forward
in Simulation Player to
start the time-based video simulation.
Video simulation of synchronized operation begins. The
simulation can be controlled by selecting appropriate command from the
Simulation Player.
The turning operation is visualized:
The drilling operation starts as soon as the roughing operation
retracts after machining:
The drilling is carried out:
- Click Video Measure
and Remove Chunks
in the Analysis toolbar to perform video analysis.
See Simulating Material Removal in Photo Mode and Simulating Material Removal in Video Mode
- Click Video Collision
to detect collisions.
Arc cutting information (that is, arc center and
arc radius) on a machined part is not available in time-based
Video simulation because only interpolated points are used in
the material removal. See Detecting Collisions in Video Simulations