Creating a Material without Domains

You can create a material without any predefined domains; you must add domains later. You must add at least one domain after the material is created.

Alternatively, you can create a material and a predefined domain simultaneously. See Creating a Material with a Domain.

Related Topics
Adding Material Domains
Saving Materials
  1. Click and select Infrastructure > Material Editor.

    The New PLM Type / MaterialDS dialog box appears.

    Tip: For more information about the symbols in the above dialog box, see Creating New Objects.

    In this dialog box you must specify the PLM attributes for the material. The attributes available in this dialog box can be customized by the PLM administrator.

    Important: The average density that is specified as a PLM attribute for the material is unset by default. A material density can also be specified as an EFINI linear elastic domain attribute; the ELFINI linear elastic density is used for more complicated analysis calculations in the Structural Analysis workbench.

  2. Optional: Modify the Name and Nomenclature attributes if necessary, and enter a description.

    Important: Each material must have a unique name.

  3. Click Finish.

    The new material (without a predefined domain) opens in the Material Editor workbench.