Creating a View From a 3D Plane, Face or Sketch

You can create a new design view from an existing 3D plane (whether or not this 3D plane is defined in the same representation as the view).

Note: You may also use a sketch for the same purpose.

Before you begin: Open a 3D shape representation containing a layout. Click and select Mechanical > 2D Layout for 3D Design to open the layout in the 2D window, alongside the 3D window.
Related Topics
View Creation Dialog Box
Views From Another Element
Changing the View Support
About View Callouts
Creating a View Using Generative View Styles
  1. Click New View From in the Layout toolbar (Views sub-toolbar).

    The Tools Palette toolbar is displayed.

    • Auxiliary View: creates an auxiliary view.

    • Section View: creates a section view.

    • Section Cut: creates a section cut.

    • Create Datum: activate this option to create an isolated view. Leaving this option unselected creates an associative view whenever possible (if the view cannot be created associative, a specific mask is immediately displayed on the view icon in the specification tree to indicate this).

      • Isolated views can not only be created from a 3D plane, a sketch an FTA view, but also from any object which is viewed as a 3D face (e.g. the face of a pad, or the sub-plane of an axis system).
      • When creating an isolated view, you can only use the existing inverted or rotated features of a plane as a support (for example, you cannot select the inverted orientation of a rotated plane). In this case, the XY orientation of a view created from a rotated plane is not guaranteed.
      • This option will be unavailable if you already selected a view support plane for which it is impossible to create an associative view.

  2. Select a plane from the specification tree or from the geometry area (the xy plane, for example). A new auxiliary view item is added to the specification tree.

    • You could also select a 3D plane created using the 3D Plane command . For more information, refer to Creating a 3D Plane.
    • When creating a section view from a 3D plane, the new section view origin point is superposed with the 3D plane origin point.

  3. Click on the sheet at the location where you want the view to be positioned (note that the created view cannot be linked in position with another view).

    An empty view is created and added to the specification tree, displaying a blue axis in a red frame, as well as the view name and scale.

    The View Creation dialog box appears. For detailed information, refer to View Creation Dialog Box.

  4. Enter and change the parameters as required.

  5. Click OK in the View Creation dialog box.

The newly-created view is activated. You can now start working in this view, creating 2D geometry for example.