Changing the View Support

You can change the support of a section view, a section cut, an auxiliary view or an axonometric view.

Note: You cannot change the support of multi-plane section views, projection views, views from FTA or filtered views from FTA captures.

Before you begin:
  • Open a 3D shape representation containing a layout and a section view, section cut or auxiliary view.
  • Click and select Mechanical > 2D Layout for 3D Design to open the layout in the 2D window, alongside the 3D window.
Related Topics
Change View Support Dialog Box
Creating Sections/Auxiliary Views
  1. Right-click the view, and select Change View Support.

    The Change View Support dialog box is displayed. For detailed information, refer to Change View Support Dialog Box.

  2. Select the Associative option from the Type field, then select a view in the 3D specification tree to fill in the Reference field.

  3. Click OK.

    You do not need to perform an update: the layout view's support is modified.

    You will now isolate this view.

  4. Right-click the view, and select Change View Support from the contextual menu.

    The Change View Support dialog box is displayed.

  5. Select the Isolated type from the Type field.

  6. Click OK.

    In the specification tree, a red mask on the Front View.1 icon indicates that the view is no longer associative.

    • When changing the support of a view, or creating a view on a given support, the new view origin point is superposed with the support origin point.
    • When a reference view of an associative layout view is modified, the drawing views generated from this layout view can reflect the projection plane via a simple update, if the Synchronize during update option is selected (via Tools > Options > Mechanical > Drafting > View tab). If this option is not selected, you can also use the Modify Projection Plane command from the contextual menu on the selected plane to update the drawing view.
    • When changing the support of a view to an assembly support, you cannot select a FTA (Functional Tolerancing and Annotation) capture which is located outside the 3D shape.