Performing a Temporary Analysis

While in the Offset command, you can perform a temporary analysis in order to check the connections between surfaces or curves.

Before you begin: Create a 3D shape containing a surface to be offset.
Related Topics
Creating Offset Surfaces
Checking Connections Between Curves
Checking Connections Between Surfaces
  1. Click Offset in the Surfaces toolbar (Offsets sub-toolbar).

    The Offset Surface Definition dialog box appears.

  2. In the Surface box, select the surface to be offset.

    An arrow indicates the proposed direction for the offset.

    Important: In P1 mode, you can only select mono-element surfaces.

  3. In the Offset box, type the value or use the arrows to increase the value.

    Here we have entered 20mm as the offset value.

  4. Click Preview.

  5. Click Temporary Analysis mode .

  6. Select the analysis to be performed in the Analysis toolbar by clicking Connect Checker Analysis .

  7. Click OK in the Connect Checker dialog box that opens.

    Warning: You must activate the temporary analysis mode before running any analysis. Otherwise, a persistent analysis will be performed. The Temporary Analysis node is displayed in the specification tree and the associated analysis (here Curve Connection Analysis.1) appears below.

    • The analysis is not persistent. Thus, when you click OK in the Offset Definition dialog box to create the curve, the Temporary Analysis node disappears from the specification tree.
    • The Stacked analysis default behavior set as temporary option lets you automatically set the analysis as temporary. Refer to General in the Accessing and Customizing Settings.