About Constructed Geometry

Constructed geometry implies concepts described in this section.

See also Constructed Geometry settings.

Related Topics
Creating Constructed Geometry
Managing Constructed Geometry
Creating Thread Representation


Constructed geometry (such as center point, axis, median plane, gage plane, etc) is very often used in order to define the theoretical dimensions of parts or products (framed dimensioning).

These constructed elements do represent the tolerancing feature (User surface and Group of surfaces features) and are used to define the tolerance zone position of geometrical tolerances, the related position of the datums of a datum reference frame, the size and position of a partial surface or a datum target.

The existing geometry is the represented geometry, the constructed geometry is the representing geometry.

Query an annotation created on a constructed geometry (created automatically or managed manually) highlights automatically the constructed geometry itself and its related geometry.

Automatic Constructed Geometry Creation

The following constructed geometry elements can be created automatically.

Angular Plane

A constructed geometry angular plane can be created.


  • One plane and one line: plane and line must be parallel.


A constructed geometry axis can be created.


  • Cylinder: the cylinder axis.
  • Cone, a torus or a revolution surface: the revolution axis.
  • Intersection of two planes: the intersection must exist.


A constructed geometry circle can be created.


  • Cone: from the cone vertex to the infinite, except the cone vertex.
  • Intersection of one cone and one plane: the plane must be perpendicular to the cone axis, the intersection must exist.
  • Intersection of one cone and one cylinder: cone and circle axes must be coaxial, the intersection must exist.
  • Intersection of two cones: cone axes must be coaxial, the intersection must exist.

Circling Cylinder

A constructed geometry circling cylinder can be created.


  • Three lines (or axes) at least and passing through these ones: lines (or axes) must be parallel and a solution must exist.


A constructed geometry curve can be created.


  • Electrical feature.

Median Plane

A constructed geometry median plane can be created.


  • Two planes: planes must be parallel.

Passing Plane

A constructed geometry passing plane can be created.


  • Two planes: planes must be coplanar.
  • One plane and one line: the line must be on the plane.
  • One plane and one point: the point must be on the plane.
  • Two lines: lines must be parallel or intersecting.
  • One line and one point: the point must not be on the line.
  • Three points.


A constructed geometry plane can be created.


  • Cone: from the cone vertex to the infinite.
  • Torus: the plane normal to its axis passing through its center.


A constructed geometry point can be created.


  • Sphere: the sphere center.
  • Cone: the cone vertex.
  • Torus: the torus center.
  • Circle: the circle center.
  • Intersection of a plane and a line: the intersection must exist.

Reference Cylinder

A constructed geometry reference cylinder can be created.


  • A line (or an axis) to define its reference cylinder axis, and passing through one or more lines (or axes) to define its radius: selected lines (or axes) must be parallel and a solution must exist.


A constructed geometry thread can be created.


  • From:Part Design feature.
  • Thread as Part Design technological result.